Budget friendly Christmas Cake
Its Christmas Time !!!
Now ? Yes …Now that Christmas is nearing many of us are planning to soak fruits for our Christmas cake. Some may say why so early… ?
But trust me, it’s the right time. Early soaking helps them to absorb all the flavour of the booz and the this helps turn the flavour of your cake than the regular ones. I do have friends who soak the fruits for as long as one year.
Around this time many of the young and budding bakers look around for the recipe or ratio of the fruits. So, I thought of sharing my secret ratio with all my readers. Well, and the secret is that there is “NO RATIO”. Oh yes, you heard me right. I always add the nuts n fruit which I like, and they mostly are almonds, cashew, dates, walnuts, candied orange peel, raisins, sultanas cranberries, dried prunes and glazed cherries.
What ratio? Again, as per my liking and budget. So now that it is clear that the ratio depends on a person’s liking and budget lets move to the process.
Chop all the dry fruits into small pieces.
Add them in a glass jar.
Add rum, brandy, brown sugar, nutmeg powder, cinnamon powder and clove powder in the glass jar.
Mix well. Cover the jar. Keep mixing the fruits occasionally (4–5 times a week).
If Christmas id far away you can plan to refrigerate the jar too. You can use these fruits for up to a year.
Now that I have shared my secret of fruit mix, for the next Tuesday scoop I will share a tried and tested recipe for Christmas Cake.
Until then, Dasvidaniya!