7 Business Ideas That Are Environmentally Friendly
“Climate change is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. This is not something you can like on Facebook.” — Greta Thunberg
Truer words have never been said. For years now, people’s reactions towards the deteriorating climatic conditions have been limited to reactions on social media. Even though a lot of meetings and discussions on the rapidly changing environment have taken place, governments all over the world have been lukewarm in their response.
While almost all the countries are being affected by this crisis, India seems to be one of the worst hit. As of now, India ranks 177 out of 180 in the Environmental Performance Index. This is an alarming indicator of just how bad things are from all environmental aspects.
The main problem is the speed at which things are changing. But the good news is that a lot of Indian companies have taken notice of it. Even better is the fact that more and more entrepreneurs are starting eco-friendly businesses like selling products made out of recycled raw materials, making organic foods, clothes and accessories etc.
Urban Garden Planning –
Yes, you heard that right. Garden planning is actually a trending business right now. This entails planning sustainable gardens for families and businesses to feed themselves.
Repairing Electronic Items –
Many discarded electronic items like laptops, cell phones, tablets, televisions can be repaired and sold. You can hire an expert to fix these issues and once done, these products can be sold either online or offline through retailers. Just make sure to offer a full disclosure and money-back guarantee so that it helps establish credibility
Green Gift Shop –
More and more people are opting for giving eco-friendly gifts to their loved ones. So this is the perfect time to open a (online or offline) store that sells ‘green’ gift items.
To Know More About Businesses that are environmentally friendly click here